Independent Bookstore Day: April 30, 2022

Earlier this month I shared that I finally was introduced to some Independent Bookstores in our new city. One thing I loved about NYC was all the independent bookstores I would stumble upon and I’ve really missed that magic. I’m never one to shame how others spend their money, especially because reading can be an expensive hobby, but if you want to support an indie bookstore, here are a few ways!

  1. Use! It’s an audiobook service that is the same price as competitors, but your money goes to the indie bookstore of your choice. There are some fantastic deals happening with for Independent Bookstore Day so now is the perfect time to sign up! If you sign up with this link, you can receive a free audiobook with code CHOOSEINDIE!

  2. Pre-Order an Anticipated Release—Pre-orders are so helpful for bookstores and authors! Choose one or two books a year that you’re looking forward to and order from an indie. I love to support The Bookstore Plus in Lake Placid since it’s a small way to support the community there since we love it so much. It’s a second generation woman owned shop as well!

  3. Like and Follow your indie’s on social media! It’s a great free way to support them. Share their posts, visit and take photos, it really goes a long way!

  4. Gift Cards and Gift Subscriptions—Does your indie have a subscription service? That’s a fantastic gift! Or online gift cards for the readers in your life are great so they can choose a book when they’re ready.

  5. Interact with the Booksellers—Readers love to chat books. Connect with the booksellers and don’t be afraid to ask them questions. You never know what information you can share with each other that will be beneficial.

Independent Bookstore Day is a April 30 this year so it’s a great time to reach out to any stores in your area and see if they have any events lined up! I’ll be visiting Talking Leaves and Alice Ever After and I can’t wait to share some of the events with you!

April 30 is also our first wedding anniversary and the traditional present theme is paper so…sounds like books will be the perfect way to celebrate!