Your "Perfect" Book

Happy April 25, otherwise known as the "Perfect Date”! Inspired by Miss Congeniality and the perfect date (all you need is a light jacket) I want to talk about what makes a book perfect. So often when I finish a book that I loved and made me feel good, I’ll feel the need to qualify it with “it’s not perfect but it was just what I needed.” Maybe it’s due to the fact that I’m an avid Romance reader and so many people belittle and tear that genre apart that I try to protect myself and my love for that book.

It goes without saying but just in case I need to make it clear again, this does not apply to books that contain harmful stereotypes or racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist language, or are written by authors whose views are dangerous and harmful.

I want to describe a couple of my “perfect books” to you and I’d love to hear yours! I’m also going to be asking on Instagram and TikTok.

My Recipe for a Perfect Phoebe Book

  1. Gives me that unputdownable feeling

  2. Really good romantic tension

  3. Solid romantic pay off

  4. Friends to Rivals to Lovers/Fake Dating/Rivals to Lovers

  5. A character that I can relate to

  6. A character/situation I can learn from

  7. A dreamy, descriptive setting that makes me want to visit there ASAP

Those are 7 things that can usually make or break a book for me. Mostly, when reading, I’m looking for a book that produces a feeling. Which sounds vague, but I think other readers get it. That feeling of a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. Or your heart feels so full it could burst and you just want to hug the book to your chest. That feeling of time stopping and not realizing how long you’ve been reading. That is the magic of storytelling.

Can you describe your perfect book?