Weekly Wrap Up 3/4/22

It’s the first #WeeklyWrapUp in two weeks! I didn’t mean to take the last two Fridays off, but my weeks were so busy, I didn’t have time to sit down and create these posts. I’ve missed them and I’m glad to be back!

March isn’t messing around. But after February being SO busy, I’m grateful to be leaning back into my routines and finding a rhythm again. I’ve committed to March-O-Wrimo, aka writing every day in March. I was very disciplined during NaNoWriMo in November and while I definitely need a break, I haven’t been as consistent since. So this month, I’m getting back into the habit of writing every day.

I will not lie to you, it’s been hard. I’m still exhausted and playing catch up from my show and directing the kids’ camp so I while I haven’t had great writing sessions, I’ve been building writing time back into my routine. It’s a start and I’m getting there!

What I Read:

I haven’t been able to balance multiple books at once and that’s okay. I’ve needed less audiobook time and more quiet for my brain to recover. I’ve enjoyed quiet walks with B and just letting my mind wander while doing chores. I’m sure I’ll get back into a groove soon but for now, silence is golden.

Currently Reading:

Purchases of the Week:

Do Crumbl Cookies count? I finally got to try them and they’re good! But other than a couple books and office supplies, I didn’t purchase much!

Listening & Watching:

Weekend Plans:

REST. Last weekend, I was exhausted and still did some socializing. This weekend, I want to take it easy. Get my office organization done and actually read and get lost in a book. It’s been too long since I’ve let myself really focus on one task at a time. And I need to write! I might try handwriting for a bit just to help get back in the groove!