Review: The Romantic Agenda by Claire Kahnn

Thank you Berkley Publishing for my copy. All thoughts are my own!

The season of summer reading and romances is quickly approaching! If you’re looking for a summery read with Ace rep that leans toward the closed door side of Romance novels, I think you’ll enjoy The Romantic Agenda by Claire Kann! I had never read one of Kann’s books and the cover totally pulled me in. Plus, it takes place at a lake house! If you know me at all, that’s a major weakness of mine.


Adult Romance

What I Liked:

  1. The Setting—Give me a lake setting any day of the week! All of the grocery deliveries and descriptions of baking made me so jealous.

  2. The Ace Rep—I haven’t read nearly enough books with characters who are Ace and I learned a lot. However, I think it’s always important to note that sexuality isn’t a monolith so while I learned a lot, it was from Joy’s perspective, not all Ace peoples’. Important to note!

  3. The Characters—I really liked Joy and Fox. Malcolm wasn’t my favorite but I don’t think we were supposed to like him, However, I do think the deep friendship between Malcolm and Joy was really heartwarming to see.

What Didn’t Work For Me:

  1. It felt more of a “coming of age” than a Romance for me. I wrestled with rooting for the Romance because it felt like our main character wanted to be with someone else for 85% of the book, but to the book’s credit, I really think that was the point!

Content Warnings:

Very minor Acephobia/Arophobia

Character Authenticity: 4/5 Steam Rating: 0/5 Overall Rating: 3.9/5