March Bucket List

Hello, March!

March always feels like second January. It’s cold, gray, and LONG with little to look forward to. We do have fun for St. Patrick’s Day but sometimes it can just feel like one of those “blah” months. I’m determined to use this month wisely, since it will be the first time since early December I’m not balancing everything on top of being in a show! I go back into rehearsals in May for my summer show so March and April are going to be about getting ahead!

  1. Reclaim my Morning Routine—I started working on this in February. I used to have such a solid morning routine but I totally fell off the wagon with the holidays and being so tired from the show. I want to get back into getting out of bed by 6AM, reading, journaling, and writing.

  2. Move More—I walk B everyday but I’ve been craving getting back into the gym. We have one at our apartment but there’s been some people who have been ignoring the mask mandate, so I might just do some home workouts.

  3. Writer 1000 Words a Day—March-O-Wrimo, if you will.

  4. Bake Bailey’s Pound Cake—I make this every St. Patrick’s Day. It’s a family recipe that is truly SO GOOD.

  5. Make Corned Beef and Cabbage—Another staple for St. Paddy’s Day! I made it for the first time last year and it was so good. The leftovers were amazing!

  6. Clean Out My Closet—This is the year of LESS. I shared my journey of rediscovering my personal style in February and part of that is finally getting rid of the things in my closet that don’t fit, don’t work with my style anymore, or I never reach for anymore.

  7. Read One Play—I used to read one play per month and fell out of the habit throughout the pandemic because it was too painful. But now that I’m back acting, it feels SO GOOD to dissect plays again.

  8. Renew My Passport—We’re finally going on our honeymoon this summer!!! So this is a must!

  9. Plan a Summer Getaway—In 2019 we rented a house with friends for Labor Day Weekend and it was the BEST. Game nights, fires, swimming, golf. I want to do it again!

  10. Host a Girl's’ Night—Now that I have some sweet new friends from doing the show, I want to host a small girls’ night!

What’s on your bucket list for March?