Gift Guide #1: My Holiday Wishlist

The years really do go so fast. I can’t believe it is November of the year Two Thousand and Twenty Two. Every year I get more reflective on how I can make the most of the time I have on this earth. And yet every year…time seems to move faster and faster and I can’t keep up. I’ll reflect more on this as the days bring us closer to the end of the year. Besides, this is a GIFT GUIDE Phoebe, get it together.

What I am hoping to add to my life this holiday season! As always, I do not NEED anything and mostly, we don't need anymore *things* in our lives. But these are the items I've really thought about wanting and would love to replace a few things in my closet and bookshelf.

Walking Pad // Standing Desk Attachment // Kindle Scribe // Scrivener Subscription // Emerald Nap Dress // Classic Mini Ugg Boots

The three top items on my list are the walking pad, standing desk attachment, and Scrivener subscription! Honestly, I’d do anything for a writing “retreat” at a fancy hotel or AirBnB with lovely views.

2023 is the year of making my writing dreams come true AND not falling into the January-March pit of “the sun doesn’t come out here and it won’t stop snowing” despair 😅

What’s on your holiday wishlist?