My 2022 Word of the Year and Intentions

I used to be a person who made goal after goal with my New Year’s Resolutions and every month, accept that I wasn’t going to achieve them. In recent years, I’ve replaced goals and resolutions with the idea of intentions. Intentions are often times more achievable and can be applied to so many more aspects of life.

Past Words of the Year:




The past two years have obviously been a rollercoaster for all of us and I don’t think I was able to fully immerse myself in my words of the years and intentions. Oddly enough, I think I miserably avoided being Intentional in 2021 because things started out so bleak, turned hopeful, and then ended the year full of new fears and a new, more transmissible variant.

So this year, I feel quite at peace with my word of the year and how it will apply to all aspects of my life.

My 2022 Word of the Year…

Now, why “believe”? I haven’t believed in the goodness of life since March 2020. I’ve become very cynical. I’ve doubted myself nearly every day. I haven’t given into hope and optimism and seeing a real future for myself in nearly two years because life has changed so much.

So in 2022, I will be focusing on believing again. Believing in myself, believing in my future, and believing in my skills. I have a lot of personal and professional goals as well, but instead of thinking of them as something that to check off a list, I’m going to focus on believing they will happen with hard work and purpose.

A Few Other Intentions I Have:

  1. Keep up with a solid morning routine

  2. Pitch for more business opportunities

  3. Find balance with my writing schedule

  4. Read 1 New Play a Month

  5. Read Before Bed Sunday-Thursday Nights (Eliminate TV/YouTube

    I’d love to know about your intentions if you have any! And if you’re willing to share your 2022 word of the year , I’d love to hear it!