2022 Writing Plans
When I look back on 2021, I think it will be the year that I finally woke up and had it. It was a year full of surprises. Some of them were good and some of them were bad but it was the year I finally realized (and came to terms with) life isn’t going back to how it was before March 2020. No matter how the rest of the Pandemic plays out, life will never be the same.
So I woke up.
I keep track of all my ideas for new books in this spread!
Now, how does this apply to my writing? I was finding myself having a hard time focusing, making excuses, and simply just not getting it done. Yes, the world was crazy and there was so much going on but I realized one day I wasn’t challenging myself anymore. I’m someone who thrives with a goal and a to do list so while I do still give myself grace, I do try to push myself a bit more as well.
in 2022, I am making very concrete but achievable goals. I’m even trying some manifesting, or a variation of it, in order to better focus on getting my books published.
Short Term Goals
Finish Draft 1 of Project L + N by February 1, 2022
Finish Draft 2 of Project ADK by March 1, 2022
Draft 2 of Project L+N completed by June 1, 2022
Draft 3 of Project ADK completed by July 1, 2022
Begin Query Process September 1, 2022
Long Term Goals
Sign with a Literary Agent
Sell my book(s)
Start a new project
I’m excited to have more concrete goals to make my process more streamlined but if I fall behind or don’t meet them, I know that’s not a failure on my part. Writing is hard and publishing is a marathon, not a sprint. I’ll update along the way of course!
I keep this calendar page in my Bullet Journal so I can keep track of my word count each day and then it’s a great visual representation of how much I wrote each month. I also track my mood!