September Bucket List

The start of a new season is always so exciting and seems the world always gets most excited for Fall. Summer always seems to fly and it can be BUSY. I know this summer started off feeling a bit more normal and then we fell back into dark pandemic times. I hope everyone is safe and healthy as we transition into the Ber months and quite possibly, the best months of the year.

As is tradition each month, here is my bucket list of what I want to do to make sure time slows down! Nick and I both vaccinated but we’re obviously still being very cautious. Any socializing we do is with our vaccinated friends who we trust implicitly, but we’re always listening to new guidelines so if any of these need to become solo activities, we’ll adjust accordingly!

September Bucket List.png

  1. Apple Picking—We didn’t go apple picking last year in the chaos of moving and settling into a new place mid pandemic, so I am making it a priority this season!

  2. Read a Book in a Day—Always a perfect intention for the first cozy day of the season.

  3. Bake an Apple Pie—Using those apple we picked, I NEED to make a homemade apple pie this year.

  4. Clean Out My Closet—Having closet space that I’ve ever had in my life has allowed for serious excess. I want to clean out my space this season and donate what I haven’t worn.

  5. Leaf Peeping Trip—We love going on drives and I think Beasley would enjoy going to see some Fall foliage and taking a hike!

  6. Visit a Cider Mill—There’s a legendary cider mill called Mayer’s Brothers’ Cider Mill and I can’t wait to visit!

  7. Decorate for Fall—I love getting to do a decor refresh each season. I’m not big on Halloween decor so our Fall decor stays out until Thanksgiving!

  8. Host a Football Watch Party—I’m nervous for Football season this year but we do enjoy watching on Sundays.

  9. Finish First Draft of Novel 2—A big writing goal! I’m nearly there and just need the extra push to finish it off.

  10. Make Chili and Cornbread—I love trying new Chili recipes and I’ve never made homemade cornbread. It’s definitely going to happen this season! Plus, it’s Nick’s favorite meal!

Anything on your September/Autumn bucket list?