August Bucket List

Somehow, it is the last month of Summer. Every month, time feels like it moves faster and faster. As someone who loves the coziness of Fall and the joy of Christmas, you’d think I’d want to rush through the end of Summer. But every August, my heart gets a little sadder as the seasons change. Summer holds a kind of nostalgia and magic for me, so I’m always sad to see it go.

I love making a Bucket List of things I want to do each month because it’s a reminder to myself not to let the season pass without doing the things I wanted to do. It makes making memories that much sweeter!

August Bucket List.png
  1. Long Weekend at the Lake—I thought we’d do a lot more traveling this summer, but with bringing Beasley home and the Delta variant, our plans definitely changed a bit. I want to surprise Nick with an AirBnB one weekend. It could be a tall order, as I’m sure most places are booked, but I want to try to find a little getaway for us!

  1. Go Kayaking—I grew up sailing and since we don’t have a boat here, I’d love to still get on the water. Kayaking is so fun and relaxing so I want to get out on the water before Summer ends!

  2. Read a Book in a Day—At least once a month, I try to save a book I’ve been wanting to read for a day when I can devote my full attention to it.

  3. Finish Draft of My Solo Novel—I am SO CLOSE to finishing that I think I’m putting it off.

  4. Write 1000 words/day—I’m working between two projects so I need to stay focused and organized. A word count is a great motivator for me to just get the words on a paper. You can’t edit a blank page!

  5. Visit Connecticut—We were supposed to go in July, but Beasley wasn’t up to the car ride just yet. We’ll be going this month!

  6. Dip My Toes in the Atlantic Ocean—Along with visiting home in Connecticut, I NEED to get to the beach. Saltwater is necessary for my survival.

  7. Go On a Hike—We love going on hikes and haven’t gotten out this season thanks to B. I think she could handle a little hike now!

  8. Complete Some Read & Wright Goals—Not to be annoying, but these are secret and I’ve put them off for too long!

  9. Have a BBQ with Friends—We’re so lucky to have friends nearby in our new city so I want to have an outdoor gathering while it’s still safe for us to gather with our vaccinated friends!

  10. Find a New Hair Stylist/Cut My Hair—A bit of a necessity. I haven’t cut my hair in over a year!