5 Habits that Make Me Happy

When I was on Amber’s podcast, Thank You For Asking, she brought up a great question about any new habits I formed over the last year that have helped me living a better life. Honestly, I don’t know if I did but I became a lot more aware of the habits I have that make the happiest version of myself. These habits don’t cure bad days and certainly aren’t fool proof, but they help me feel grounded. As an introvert who has gotten more and more introverted as she ages, wow do I need time to myself. These habits ensure it.

Waking Up Early

I love the morning. As you’ll see from most of these habits, my days are rooted in the mornings. It’s a fresh start, when I feel the most energy, and definitely when I’m able to get some much needed alone time. My ideal wake up is 6:00 AM but usually is 6:30/6:40.

Reading in the Morning/Making a Daily To Do List

Starting off my day with 30-40 minutes of reading gives me a sense of calm. It also fulfills the side of my brain that feels the need to be productive. After reading, I use my planner and make a to do list for the day. I include everything from work I need to do and household chores to little things like showering, taking a walk, or stopping for an afternoon iced coffee. Simple, easy things that give me the satisfaction of crossing them off the list which motivates me to do the larger items.

Bullet Journaling

I started bullet journaling in January and it has been a game changer for my mental health. I struggle with perfectionism but for some reason, when it comes to my BuJo, I let it all go. It’s like adult coloring, scrapbooking, and journaling all wrapped in one and I LOVE it. I do it just for me.

Going on a Morning Walk

This has become much more urgent now that we have a dog, but getting out and moving every morning helps me feel grateful every day. I’m grateful to move, for the sunshine (most days), and the warm air. Even in the winter, I love taking a chilly walk. Now that I don’t walk everywhere in the city, I realize how much I miss it.

Alone/Quiet Time in the Evening

This is the hardest one if you have a partner, but I’m lucky that Nick now accepts this part of me. Even if I haven’t seen him all day, I still worked a full day on my own and need at least an hour of not talking. Either reading, watching a show on my own, or writing, I need that quiet time. Especially on days when I teach or have interviews!

Communicating Your Needs to Your Partner

Letting your partner know what you need to feel your best is so important. It doesn’t make you selfish or unable to prioritize them. Prioritizing your needs makes you a better partner. Something Nick does that I’m very grateful for is he constantly asks asks me what I need that day. Whether it’s taking the dog for a long walk so I can have quiet time to take a shower or giving me space on a weekend morning to recharge, he keeps the lines of communication open.

It helped me feel more comfortable to then ask for those things myself. So after I’ve made my to do list for the day, I’ll look at my schedule and based on the day, I’ll know what kind of self care to schedule. Scheduling it makes it happen and I’m so grateful we have that system! And it’s made me more aware to be able to ask him the same questions and make sure he’s getting what he needs out the day as well.

What are some habits that make you happy?