No Buy July

I am a very habitual person which is good and bad, because I am equally dedicated to my good habits as I am my bad ones. One of the bad ones lately has been mindless scrolling and impulse buying. It’s so easy and a fun little rush, which is a huge signal to me that it’s not a healthy habit.

SO I’m going to spend July keeping track of my impulses. Write down the item and the price, so that at the end of the month I can see if it’s something I actually want and need.

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This isn’t an original idea at all. My friend Claire does these challenges frequently and Olivia just did one in June that was a huge inspiration for me to finally try it. I’m excited to get a firmer grip on my spending habits and be much more aware of where my money is going.

A couple things I’m going to do:

  1. Use my Library—I got a new card when we moved back in the Fall and have yet to step inside the building. Time to check it out!

  2. Shop My Closet—I have so many clothes but I often where the same repeats over and over. This will motivate me to clean out of closet from what I don’t where and take note of any items I truly need.

  3. Utilize Gift Cards—I have a couple coffee gift cards so I’ll still use those but I won’t be treating myself to lunch out, take out, or coffee unless it’s covered.

Obviously essentials like groceries and things for Beasley are exceptions! No Buy July is to curb my personal spending habits of unnecessary things like books I won’t read right away, clothes I don’t need, random Target trips, and treats like lattes and ice cream.

If you’re interested in joining me, follow along on Instagram!