Weekly Wrap Up 12/10/21

What a week. I started rehearsals for my first show since February 2020 and it felt so good. More on that later, but I am truly so happy. But also, anxious. You’ll see in my Purchases of the Week I restocked on medical masks. I feel totally safe with how the theater is handling everything (following Equity’s guidelines) but after nearly two years working from home full time, being around people so close and consistently, I need to get used to it again.
But it was a really good week and I’m truly so grateful. I was saying to a friend that I’ve spent the last two years trying to fill the void and find “something else” but when we have a passion, nothing can replace it. I am so happy to be back doing my job,

What I Read:

The Holiday Swap // The Deal of a Lifetime // A Cross Country Christmas // Last Christmas in Paris

Currently Reading:

The Holiday Switch // Crying in H Mart // Eight Days of Christmas

Listening & Watching:

Weekend Plans:

We’ve had two busy weekends and there’s not much on the docket this weekend so I am EXCITED. We’re going to make gingerbread houses and look at Christmas lights, wrap some presents, finally visit the tree farm and I bake some cookies. I hate how December always seems to fly by and I’m determined to slow down a bit and enjoy every moment!