Review: So, This Is Christmas by Tracy Andreen

Thank you Viking Books and Penguin Teen for my copy! All thoughts are my own!

The cover alone made me want to read this book! I usually love a small town romance, but unfortunately this book was just okay for me. I was happy to read a Christmas novel with a diverse group of characters and it had all the festive vibes, but it won’t be a new favorite.


“When Finley Brown returned to her hometown of Christmas, Oklahoma, from boarding school, she expected to find it just as she left it. Christmas hasn't changed much in her sixteen years. But instead she returns to find that her best friend is dating her ex-boyfriend, her parents have separated, and her archnemesis got a job working at her grandmother's inn. And she certainly didn't expect to find the boy she may or may not have tricked into believing that Christmas was an idyllic holiday paradise on her grandmother's doorstep. It's up to Finley to make sure he gets the Christmas he was promised. This is Finley's Christmas. It's about home and family and friends and finding her place, and along the way she also finds the best Christmas present of all: love.” —NetGalley

What I Liked:

  1. The Cover—I just need everyone to appreciate how lovely the cover of this book is. I think it will draw people in!

  2. The Festive Vibes—It’s a Christmas book set in a town called Christmas. You are going to feel cold and happy and cozy while reading this book.

  3. The Side Characters—I was a big fan of the side characters in this book! Ayisha, Esha, Grandma Jo were all great! It was nice to have a wlw romance represented and a diverse group of characters!

What Didn’t Work:

  1. The Romance—Insta love…but also a weird slow burn? I can’t explain it correctly. I didn’t feel any chemistry between Arthur and Finley, personally.

  2. The Pacing—It was too slow for me and wrapped up too quickly in the end. I think I would have enjoyed it more if it had taken place at their boarding school!

  3. Cliches that Made Me Uncomfortable—There were a couple cliches/language used in this book that made me unsure if they were appropriate or necessary. The treatment of a character experiencing homelessness (avoid jail by dressing as an elf??) was a big one. I try not to be too sensitive of a reader but I can’t ignore my gut reactions.

Content Warnings:

Toxic friendship, parental separation

Character Authenticity: 2/5 Steam Rating: N/A (YA genre)

Overall Rating: 3/5