Weekly Wrap Up: Christmas Eve

Wishing all who celebrate a very Merry Christmas Eve! It’s another heavy holiday season. We started out with such hope and a sense of normalcy but if your holiday looks different this year or your plans had to be canceled, know you’re not alone. I’ve been particularly anxious with Covid fatigue and constant uncertainty. We are spending Christmas with just my parents in Connecticut this year. I spent an embarrassing amount of money on at home tests so that we can test every day and be as safe as possible. We don’t have any known exposure but it’s easing my anxiety.

I just wanted to thank you all for being here. I’m sure I’ll get sapier as my birthday and NYE draw closer, but this year has been HARD and knowing we’re going to go into another really difficult January doesn’t make it any easier.

To all those in Healthcare who continue to show up, thank you. To all the essential workers who are delivering take out, delivering mail, working in grocery stores, teachers…thank you. I live a very privileged life where I can work from home and have minimal contact with the outside world. I appreciate everything you do so much and I know the last two years have been the hardest on you.

I don’t mean for this post to feel so melancholy. I love Christmas so much after all. But I can’t just carry on like everything is okay right now when life feels scary, exhausting and unsure all over again. And the worst of it is that I feel so alone in these feelings, that the rest of the world has moved on, and were going to enter another bleak year.

I’ll be cozying up with all the Christmas magic I can muster and I hope you do whatever feels right for you.

Purchases of the Week:

Matching Set Top // Matching Set Joggers // Jonah Bookmark // Adam Bookmark // Brendan Bookmark // Jamie Bookmark

Listening & Watching:

Weekend Plans:

It’s Christmas! We’re laying low and enjoying the break. We only are in Connecticut today and tomorrow and sadly have to head home on Boxing Day. I hope you all enjoy your weekend, whether you celebrate or are just making it through. I wish you all a safe and healthy end of the year!