Hello, 2021

I didn’t mean to take the last two weeks off from the blog, but here we are. 2020 was a year of hustling that I didn’t even know I was doing. Usually I am so aware of how burnt out I am getting because I am rushing from auditions and rehearsals to brunches and shows while squeezing in my reading on the subway.

This year, I was hustling from home, trying to make a new life and career for myself amid the Pandemic. So I just needed to be kind to myself and let my mind (and body) rest.

I usually love the end of the year lists I make. I love to share my top favorite books and products and moments, but this year, the thing I needed most was rest. So I leaned into it and I’m very grateful that I did because it was a fantastic 12 days off and while I’m sad to be back hitting the grindstone today, I think I’m ready.

In 2020, I constantly felt like I was chasing something. This year, I already feel excited for what I am going to create without chasing a numerical goal. I’m excited to grow Read & Wright into what I’ve always wanted it to be. I’m feeling more creative and motivated as we head this new year. While I don’t believe in the “new year, new me” idea, I definitely feel a sense of confidence going into this year that I haven’t felt in a while. Maybe it’s because we have the Inauguration to look forward to or because every day gets us closer to the nation being vaccinated, or maybe it’s just the sense of normalcy that comes with celebrating a new year.

If you’ve been following along on Instagram, I shared that my word of the year is “Intentional.” Strangely enough, I don’t feel like I slowed down at all in the last year of being “stuck at home.” I channeled my anxiety and frustrations and fears into overworking myself as a distraction. I read 150 books last year and while I am proud of that achievement, I feel like I need to find a little more balance in 2021. I want to be intentional with my choices in what I consume. I want it to be for joy rather than a number.

In that same vein, I want to find the ability to share what I love without overthinking it. I used to speak so openly about my favorite things but social media can quickly suck that joy right out from under you. There are things that are problematic and dangerous that do deserve to be called out and I am so grateful for the people who bring these issues to light. But that’s not everything. I’ve learned to be a more critical reader and for that I’m grateful, but I also want to be someone who reads for joy again.

Either way, I wanted to share a new scenes from the last couple weeks and I’ll be catching up on reviews as well!

A quiet Christmas Eve

A quiet Christmas Eve

Playing Santa is very different when you’re mom is far away.

Playing Santa is very different when you’re mom is far away.

I am really in denial that Christmas decor needs to come down.

I am really in denial that Christmas decor needs to come down.

Lots of reading by the tree. I finally finished the Throne of Glass series!

Lots of reading by the tree. I finally finished the Throne of Glass series!

My friend Kaylee finished Chemo!

My friend Kaylee finished Chemo!

Celebrated my birthday in quarantine.

Celebrated my birthday in quarantine.

There may be a new member of the Read & Wright household coming soon…

There may be a new member of the Read & Wright household coming soon…

And I, like most of the world, am now obsessed with Bridgerton.

And I, like most of the world, am now obsessed with Bridgerton.

How was your holiday? I know not everyone was lucky enough to have an extended break. I hope you’re staying safe and well during this transitional time.