Weekly Wrap Up 1-15-21

Last week, I couldn’t wrap my mind around sharing a Weekly Wrap Up, so this is the first of 2021! And we are halfway through the month. Usually, January feels like an endless month after all the holiday cheer and while it definitely has been a difficult month, I haven’t felt the same “January fog” I typically fall into. It’s a little hard to fall into a fog when I’m basically in a relationship with CNN.

I know I mentioned towards the end of last year that I was feeling incredibly burnt out and that was true, but there are a lot of exciting things coming to Read & Wright soon. I hate that that phrase might sound like ~ influencer lingo ~ but due to the scope of the world and some things going on in our personal lives, it’s been a slow roll out of these exciting developments.

While I’m beginning to feel a sense of equilibrium be restored in my personal life, I know next week is going to be a scary time in the United States so I’m hoping to set myself up with self care.

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Here’s what I’ve been up to this week:

What I Read: The Comeback, Concrete Rose, Roman + Jewel

Currently Reading: Good Talk , A Promised Land

Purchases: Valentine’s Day Headband, Shakespeare for Every Day of the Year, Biden/Harris Mug, Crayola Super Tip Markers, Ski Town Bookmark

Wanting: Ambitious Crewneck, Dudley Stephens Dupe

Bits & Bobs: I started rewatching Reign, which is a show I LOVED when it was on tv. It’s a CW period drama so you find a lot fashion accuracy but it’s juicy and a lot of fun.


I made my friend Nora’s Chicken Pot Pie Pasta this week and it was SOOOO good. Nick told me I had outdone myself but it was such an easy recipe and way easier (and faster) than normal chicken pot pie. We didn’t make ours dairy or gluten free and left out the cayenne and lemon juice.

While I am still very nervous for next week, I am still incredibly excited to welcome the Biden/Harris team on Inauguration Day! How are you feeling this week?