Review: The Comeback by E.L. Shen

If you’ve been following along for awhile, you’ll already know that one of my favorite places in the world is Lake Placid, NY. One weekend I was scrolling through Instagram (as one does) and my favorite independent bookstore, The Bookstore Plus, shared a story from author E.L. Shen with her new novel, The Comeback. She was sharing photos of it in the place it’s set: Lake Placid! I immediately knew I had to have it and after reading it, I can’t recommend it enough for readers of all ages.


Synopsis: “Twelve-year-old Maxine Chen is just trying to nail that perfect landing: on the ice, in middle school, and at home, where her parents worry that competitive skating is too much pressure for a budding tween. Maxine isn’t concerned, however―she’s determined to glide to victory. But then a bully at school starts teasing Maxine for her Chinese heritage, leaving her stunned and speechless. And at the rink, she finds herself up against a stellar new skater named Hollie, whose grace and skill threaten to edge Maxine out of the competition. With everything she knows on uneven ice, will Maxine crash under the pressure? Or can she power her way to a comeback? Set in Lake Placid, New York, this is a spunky yet stirring middle-grade story that examines racism, female rivalry and friendship, and the enduring and universal necessity of love and support.”

What I Liked:

  1. The Setting—Like I already said, I love Lake Placid! I haven’t been able to find a lot of book set there so when I find one, I hold on tight! I think this did a great job of bringing us into the history and pressure of the town while still bringing us a little of that Olympic magic.

  2. The Commentary on Female Competition—I loved the main character, Maxine’s, growth as a competitor and as a young woman in this book. We explore the natural feelings of jealousy with fellow skaters but we also get to see her find her footing in friendships with these skaters as well. There is a very special moment with an older skater that I think really showcases women supporting women that really stuck out to me. Not only does Maxine idolize this older skater because she shows her it’s possible to lift up fellow athletes, she also shows Maxine that she is perfect just the way she is.

  3. The Own Voices Narrative—E.L. Shen writes unapologetically about the targeted racism Maxine receives from a boy in her 6th grade class at an overwhelmingly white school. While I loved seeing Maxine’s confidence grow and her ability to “handle it” herself, I was very happy to read that the boy was held responsible for his actions.

What Didn’t Work:

  1. Nothing! I would have loved this book just as much at 12 as I did at 28!

TW/CW: Racism, bullying, derogatory language, racial slurs

Character Authenticity: 5/5 Steam Rating: N/A Overall Rating: 5/5

Thank you to Macmillan Children’s Publishing for my advanced copy of The Comeback by E.L. Shen. All thoughts are my own.