Review: Meet Me at Midnight by Jessica Pennington

Genre: YA Romance

If you’re looking for a perfect summer read, full of coming of age nostalgia, look no further than Meet Me at Midnight by @jessicapennington! I’m a sucker for a story set at the lake and when I read this one over Memorial Day Weekend, I couldn’t put it down!

Synopsis: Sidney’s and Asher’s families have been traveling to the same lake every summer for years. They should have clicked because they have so much in common: they’re both competitive swimmers and they’re moms are best friends! Yet each year, they fall into the same habit of pranking each other all summer long. It’s the summer before they’re off the college and it’s more intense than ever. But when one prank takes it too far, putting their families’ tradition in jeopardy, Sidney and Asher are forced to join forces against a common enemy. Their truce should make things simpler, but six years of tormenting one another isn’t so easy to ignore. Kind of like the undeniable attraction growing between them.

I had such a wonderful time falling into the story of Sidney and Asher. Stories that take place during the summer on a lake are so nostalgic for me, so I think that's a big reason why I loved this book! But I also loved the characters and the plot. The end dragged out a bit too much writing wise, but I think for the sake of the plot it made sense. It felt realistic to me yet still had that YA magic that we all love. I read it in 24 hours and wish I had a physical copy. It's a perfect book to bring on vacation or to make it a vacation at home, which I know we’re all doing a lot more of in 2020.

Character Authenticity: 4.5/5

Steam: 3/5

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

Thank you to the publisher for my copy. All thoughts are my own.