Weekly Wrap Up

The second week of the month always seems to go the fastest. it feels like we just entered the new month and now we’re two weeks in. As always, it feels like I just can’t believe it! But this felt like a good week. Last week was really hard, since we were supposed to get married and have our wedding. Obviously, with COVID-19 and the current climate, it didn’t feel right to celebrate anything. 

We’re doing okay. It’s still really hard and every time I think about it, I still get so sad. I’m hopeful that things will get easier and I’ll be able to get excited again soon. 

It was really nice to go home to Connecticut for the weekend. We got to see some (socially distant) friends and family which was MUCH needed to feel a little more normal.

It was a great week for reading at least so I’m grateful for that! And I was able to get back in the gym too. I had taken the last week off because I was feeling just so darn sad. Having a little more structure in my day definitely helps. 

Here’s what I was up to this week:

Books Read—Recipe for Persuasion, When the Stars Lead to You, The Boyfriend Project. You can read my reviews for these books here

Currently Reading—A Curse So Dark and Lonely—I wanted to return to some fantasy! I have a couple more that I’m planning on diving into over the summer like Shadow and Bone, Children of Blood and Bone, and Crescent City

Weekend Plans—We’re going to enjoy some socially distant time in the suburbs with my friend Elsa! And obviously lots of reading and all the jazz. The usual exciting times of quarantine weekends, you know? 

I hope you had a great week! Let me know what you’re reading this weekend!