Weekly Wrap Up 5-15-20

I have blinked and we are literally halfway through May. How? HOW? Time is such a weird concept and while we’ve adjusted to life in isolation, I still don’t feel like I’ve been able to make the most of my time. Truthfully…this wasn’t a good week for reading. 

I didn’t feel like forcing myself to sit down and do it if I didn't want to and I’m definitely in a rut reading books I don’t want to be because I have to. It’s a peril of the job I suppose. But I’ve been feeling a lot of creative drain from churning out content that I couldn’t lose myself in a book. I need to veg out with some YouTube videos, Disney+ throwbacks, and writing my book. 

I say book loosely, because no one has purchased it. I’m just writing it and seeing what will happen! I have always had tons of ideas and now I’m finally making it goal to actually finish one. I’m excited and it’s been such a treat! 

Books Read: The Tourist Attraction—out now! Thank you Source Books for my copy! Hollywood Park —thank you libro.fm for my ALC! This one hits shelves May 26!

Currently Reading: The Heart’s Invisible Furies—I’m reading this one in a buddy read/bookclub so it’s been really fun to slowly enjoy it and have people to discuss it with right away! 

Loving: My lazy bullet journal! I am a perfectionist and hate being a failure, so I never thought I could do bullet journaling, but I’ve made it work for me and I LOVE it. I used to love scrapbooking and it feels like my planner gets less and less use the longer we’re in quarantine, so this has been such a fun and useful way to channel that energy. I’ve definitely been making it work for me and just use a lined notebook I had lying around. It’s nothing fancy or cool like other people do! 

Weekend plans: reading and writing! I’m hopeful for a little time to focus and unplug. I’ve been feeling like a slave to my phone, but I have big goals for Read and Wright. But to avoid burnout, I need to keep my brain fresh with my own projects and reading all the fantastic books I have cued up! 

Purchases: This week was the week of impulse purchases. And honestly, I don’t feel too bad about it! I had to purchase a few things for a future post and then I just went down the rabbit hole of ordering stuff.

The Cursebreaker series: A Curse so Dark and Lonely, A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer

The Shadow & Bone Triology by Leigh Bardugo

Table Runner—We’ve been slowly upgrading our home and I’ve loved being able to include small pieces to make everything feel more cohesive!

I also ordered some stuff to start cross stitching! I’ve been listening to so many audiobooks it will be nice to have something to do with my hands while I listen. I’ve been needlepointing since high school so I’m exciting to try my hand at this!

I hope you all had a great week and are excited for another weekend!