Relaxation Tools

Have you started to wonder how we’ll refer to this time when we return to normal life? I feel like I’m always saying “Before all of *gestures violently* THIS” to people and I think it will eventually become, “After all of *GESTURES VIOLENTLY* THIS” one day. Hopefully one day soon? I saw an article yesterday detailing how each state will reenter normal life and I can’t imagine how it will be when some of are still trapped inside. I’ve kinda enjoyed the solidarity of it! And I’m not just saying that because NYC is destined to be stuck like this for a while…ANYWAY. 

Honestly, I had a hard time relaxing in March. I felt like I stared into the void of my phone for hours on end and it took a few weeks to finally accept the situation and breathe. Now that I’ve settled in, I have been able to find the positives of this. I love being home, really. I wish I could go to the gym and see my friends and family, but when will we have time in life to unapologetically have no plans? As a very busy introvert, I’m trying to soak it in while I can! 

Here are some of my favorite items that helped me get it together! 

Inflatable bathtub—So, our apartment doesn’t have bathtub so Nick surprised me with an inflatable one (lol) for my birthday and you know what…it’s FANTASTIC. Highly recommend. It fits in our glass shower no problem!

ASRM rooms have been my savior during this time! I love the Harry Potter ones but there are also some great nature ambiance sounds that have been SO relaxing and helpful with focus. 

Lake Sounds Morning Lake Sound Ocean Sounds

Candles—Here are some amazing small businesses to support! I mentioned in last week’s Weekly Wrap Up that I went ALL IN on my ACOTAR obsession and got some candles that were themed for those books. Let me tell you, it was a fantastic decision. Fantastic. 

Rhysand Candle Velaris Candle

The Melting Library is also great for fun book inspired candles! She has SO MANY options! I really don’t think there’s anything more fun! They have options for Gilmore Girls, The Witcher, Harry Potter…almost anything you could imagine!

What have been some of your favorite ways to relax? I love the time of day when I can sit down with a glass of wine and my book. I look forward to it because it makes me feel like I can “shut down” from the day. When you’re only spending time at home, it’s so important to have a ritual to separate from the work day! Should I share my nighttime routine?