Weekly Wrap Up 2.21.20

This week has been one I’ve needed for a while. I had a less packed work schedule than normal and it felt so good to have quiet, slow mornings and plenty of time to get ahead on blog work and podcast work. Sometimes, slowing down is just what we need and it’s totally okay to do that. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health—the brain feeds the body! 

This week, I attempted to recover from me insane book hangover induced by Wild at Heart and the movie version of PS I Still Love You. But then I decided, instead of forcing myself to get over it, I’d lean into it and just be full on obsessed. And you know what? I was totally the right choice. 

Here’s what I was up to: 

Books Read: Oona Out of Order (out Tuesday 2/25), To All the Boys I Loved Before, PS I Still Love You, and Always and Forever, Lara Jean

Up Next: Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating, The Burning (out 4/7/20), and If You Want to Make God Laugh

What I Purchased: No shame and no judgement people…I bought myself a Peter Kavinsky Sweatshirt. And I’m PROUD. I’m going to share more on what I love this series next week, but I’m a chronic rereader and I absolutely love going back into Lara Jean’s world. 

Weekend Plans: Brunch with a friend and then doing a massive clean of this apartment because it NEEDS it.

Weekend Intentions: REST. I tend to run myself into the ground and I have been feeling the pressure, so I want to really take a breath and enjoy my weekend before things go full steam ahead next week until our wedding. That honeymoon is sounding so so so good right about now!