Election Day 2020

Well, it’s here. I have simultaneously been filled with hope and a lot of dread leading up to today. And it’s likely that we won’t have any real results for many days regarding the state of our country.

Today is also Nick’s birthday. Of course it would make sense that during the most difficult year of our lives, his birthday would be today of all days. But we’re going to use that. Hunker down and spend the day together. Either way, we will have cake and a good meal and be together. There will be some presents to open and hugs to have and that is something that is bringing me joy in these darks days.

I hope we are voting for change. I hope we are voting for the environment and women and marriage equality and healthcare and science. I hope we are voting for the Pandemic to be taken seriously and for it to end. I hope we are voting to be on the right side of history.

“History has its eyes on your.”

_history has its eyes on you_ (1).png