
It’s no secret I love the holidays. The tradition, the plaids, the time with family and obviously, getting into the Christmas spirit.

This year, Thanksgiving looks so different but it is so true to the challenges of this year. Nick and I will be celebrating together, in our little home, in a new place we never planned to be. This year has put us through the wringer and the phrase, “At least you have each other” has never been more true.

If you’re a new reader, I’ll just leave these posts here to catch you up on the heartbreak 2020 has brought to our little family.

Postponing Our Wedding

Surprise, We Moved

Among all the heartbreak, there has been joy. Long nights watching movies, evenings playing games, Zoom happy hours with friends near and far, cooking new meals, and lots of books that took me to magical places far away.

And, all of your. Read & Wright has grown leaps and bounds this year and I really can’t believe It. I’ve been having a number of pinch me moments, especially in the last few days, and I just want to thank you all for being here. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, please know that every message of support fills me up and reminds me why I started this space in the first place.

I wish I could share a book with each and every one of you. I wish I could hug you and thank you for your support in person. Never hesitate to reach out. My email and DMs are always open!

Today I am humbled, thankful, and undeniably grateful. We’ll celebrate soon, but this is all possible because you choose to be here. Thank you.

Stay well, stay safe. Happy reading, my friends.