My Holiday Wish List

It sounds so cliche, but as we get older, it seems every year we rely less and less on material goods at the holidays. I remember opening up the American Girl catalogue every year and carefully choosing the special pieces I’d cherish for years. My parents still ask us for a wishlist but I feel like my items aren’t nearly as exciting as they used to be. I mean…towels. I want TOWELS, people. If that’s not adulthood, I don’t know what is.

My Holiday Wishlist.png

Library Stamp —This is probably the number one item on my list! I think it’s so special and will be so fun to add to my library collection.

One Life by Megan Rapinoe—It’s not my wishlist without at least ONE book. While I’m very lucky to receive so many books—publishers make it Christmas all year round!—I really want a copy of Megan Rapinoe’s book! I was able to go to the US Women’s parade and celebration to city hall after they won the world cup in 2019.

Dudley Stephens Greenpoint—I’ve been wanting this staple forever! And the green color is so pretty.

Chappy Wrap in Highlander —I mean…need I say more?

Desk Chair —to complete my study!

Rancher hat—I’ve become very into hats

Monogrammed Towels—I told you. I want towels and I am serious!

Pizza Cutter—A necessity that we somehow didn’t add to our registry!

Nothing crazy! I’m always grateful for gift cards and bath bombs from lush as well. What’s on your wishlist?