Switching from Audible to Libro.fm

If you’re anything like me, audiobooks can be hit or miss. There is nothing like the feel of a physical book in your hands that you can get completely engrossed in. I’ve accepted e-books into my life out of necessity, but fiction on audio is still pretty hard for me. 

But I LOVE a good nonfiction piece on audio. It’s like a long form podcast and makes walking around the city, the gym, and chores that much more enjoyable because I’m getting my reading done!

I used to use Audible but then I discovered libro.fm and I am officially obsessed. libro.fm is the same price as audible with all the same benefits, but your money goes to the independent bookstore of your choice instead of Amazon! We all know Amazon is the greatest company, so this is a fantastic way to support the small businesses you love! 

And the best part is that if you make the switch, libro.fm thanks you with three audiobooks for the price of one! I can’t recommend it enough, especially because saving independent bookstores is one of great causes in life. 

I choose to support The Bookstore Plus in Lake Placid because I don’t get to shop there in person more than once or twice a year (if I’m lucky). 

In 2020, I’m aiming to focus on sharing my book reviews in a more thorough and timely fashion. I want to include audiobooks in there, because they are such an accessible way to consume literature. Plus, the production of audiobooks have really improved! I mean, Tom Hanks narrates The Dutch House. That’s pretty cool. And the Daisy Jones & The Six audio is done by a whole cast! It’s practically a movie in your brain. My friend Elsa practically begged me to listen to it, even though I’ve already read the book (lol).

It’s a great way to support your hometown bookstore that fostered your love of reading or a great store in a city you’ve never been, but want to visit. Have you made the Audiobook Switch? 

The amazing illustration used in today’s post can be found here!