Hello, 2020

Hello, 2020! I can’t believe it’s finally here. I shared some sentiments on my Instagram about how it’s going to be a year full of special moments. We have trips planned, some career opportunities, and our very own wedding. Isn’t that crazy?! 

Last year, I read 110 books. The most books I’ve ever read in a year. I set my goal for 80, which seemed like a HUGE stretch. But then I completely surpassed it. 

But I was a little stressed, if I’m being honest. The first half of the year I powered through a lot of books I didn’t want to read just so I could say I finished them. So I’m setting a much smaller goal this year, with the expectation that I will surpass it, but I won’t be in a space to beat myself up if I don’t. 

I also want to focus less on new releases and more on backlist titles. New releases are shiny and special, but there are so.many. book I want to read from years past! I’m so grateful to all the publishers who trust me to review new works and I’ll continue to do that, but I don’t need to *only* read new releases. 2020 = 50/50

Other goals: 

1. Eliminating single use coffee cups (I have so.many.tumblers)

  1. Dry January (no alcohol) 

  2. Continuing my gym routine

  3. No take out for 3 months

  4. One week/month of no added sugar 

  5. Buy-ban for January (books, clothes, basically all non-essentials!) 

Share your goals in the comments!