Weekly Wrap Up 8-16-19

Okay not to be that girl but…can anyone else believe we are HALFWAY through August? Cause I absolutely cannot. As much as I love to travel, it definitely makes me feel like time has stopped. I completely forget that days are passing and all of sudden I’m panicking about getting all my work done and still enjoying each and every day. 

This was a tough-ish week for reading but a great one for productivity and feeling like my head is finally above water. Next step, time to really focus on my health and fitness! We’ll be home on Saturday, which is going to be HUGE for me getting ahead on work, organizing some wedding things, and cleaning the apartment. I have never looked so forward to cleaning in my life! 

Here’s what was up this week: 

Books Finished: Recursion—YOU GUYS. This book! It was incredible! I am grateful for Book of the Month because there is no way I would have gravitated toward it without it. You have to check it out! Although, I did have a freaky dream that was definitely influenced by it. 

Currently Reading: Christmas at the Lighthouse—a big thank you to Amazon UK Publishing for the free copy! 

Weekend Plans: Organization, relaxation, getting ready for our final two trips of the summer, AND seeing my parents on Sunday. I’m so glad we live so close to them! 

Make sure you’re following along on Instagram if you want live updates on my reading!