Where'd You Go Bernadette: The Movie

When it comes to backlogged books, I think this is one of the craziest ones I cannot believe I didn’t read sooner. I absolutely LOVED it. The descriptions and blurb on the back never grabbed me, but the cover always did. I picked it up and put it down for years, every time I was in the bookstore. Once I finally did pick it up, it was after I knew the movie was coming out and it was part of this crazy sale at Barnes & Noble. I figured I could take the risk for $5. 

Generally, I don’t like being one of those people that only reads something because the movie is coming out. But it is a really good motivator, so I’m grateful I always have time to finish before I see them! I actually thought Where’d You Go Bernadette was coming out in March, so I rushed to finish it (lol) but with Crazy Rich Asians I just made it in the nick of time! 

I know book to movie adaptations can sometimes bring a lot of disappointment (Ella Enchanted I’m looking at YOU) but I gotta say, I keep coming back for more. Sometimes you just need to revisit a world you loved without the effort of finding the book and rereading it. 

 On a different note, this book intimidated me for the LONGEST time. My friend Megan recommended it to me constantly but I was afraid I wouldn’t like it. Sometimes I can be weird with recommendations; reading is very personal and taste is really subjective. I never want to offend anyone over a favorite book and sometimes I just don’t trust hype. But when it came to Bernadette, I love love LOVED the hype. I think it read it at the right time in my life. It discusses the importance of the artist’s need to create. As an actor, I am an artist and I definitely feel the void in my heart when I’ve been absent from the stage too long.

If you’ve read it, you the structure and style isn’t a traditional narrative. I am SUPER interested in seeing it will all play out on screen!

I am so unbelievably excited for the movie! Are you going to see it?