Christmas in July: The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street

I can already feel the Christmas haters rolling their eyes and preparing their angry comments, but I’m tuning that out! I love Christmas and love a good Christmas story, and I just finished one last night! 

I wanted to share a little review of The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street, which is an adorable middle grade book. I haven’t read a middle grade or kids’ book in a LONG time but I’m so glad I picked this one up. 

The Vanderbeekers have lived in their brownstone in Harlem for as long as any of the 5 siblings can remember (6 years). Like all New Yorkers, their neighborhood is their family. From neighbors in their building, to their school, to the local bakery, they can’t imagine life outside of their 10 block radius. Until five days before Christmas, when their landlord Mr. Beiderman announces he will not be renewing the family’s lease. 

The children are outraged and launch a mission to make The Beiderman know how special they are and that they deserve to stay…but it proves more challenging than they could have ever imagined. 

This isn’t a story that’s overly Christmasy, except for its time frame and the heartwarming message it tells. I loved it, and I’m giving it 5 stars (which I do rarely) because it’s such a sweet story but it’s also a diverse story. And it helps that it takes place in the same neighborhood where I used to live! 

If you’re starting to compile a list of holiday stories, add this one right to it. It’s a quick little read that’s great for kids and adults alike. I actually found the writing to be quite compelling and didn’t feel like I was reading a kids’ book! 

Are you a Christmas or a Halloween lover? I love the Fall, but I’m usually over Halloween after about 2-3 weeks. Then it’s all Christmas til my birthday at the end of December!