Read Game of Thrones with Me! #GOTSummerRead

And now our watch is ended. 

Or is it? 

Game of Thrones has come to an end. Well, the show has. What did you think of the ending?! I couldn’t really formulate thoughts after the show; I felt so disconnected from it. But it did get me thinking: if the ending had been written this way, would the world be more satisfied? 

I never knew how I wanted Harry Potter to end. I just loved the world and wanted to know what J.K. Rowling had in store for it. For the people of Westeros, the books technically have never found their ending…I wonder if George R.R. Martin will really finish his final installment now. 

However, I’ve never read the books. I’ve talked to a lot of friends who haven’ as well! So I thought what better way to kick off summer reading than by reading Game of Thrones…with all of you! Personally, I think the books could be a little daunting and maybe you want to be able to discuss them real time. So why not join me in doing that? 

Beginning June 1, follow along with #GOTSummerRead and sign up for my email list—you can do this by subscribing at the bottom of the page here, commenting on the Facebook post, or on my Instagram—there will be a sign up in my stories for the next 24 hours!

I’ll be sending out my thoughts weekly, asking for your opinions,  and then we’ll come together for a Q&A and sharing our thoughts together at the end of the month. I think it will be fun to see the differences between the books and the show, especially towards the end. Personally, I already know I want GRRM to finish the books. Westeros is his world and we all know #thebookisbetter. 

My plan for this summer reading group is to get through the first three this summer, since those are the ones everyone raves about and then maybe we’ll see if Fall is coming ;) 

I’m really excited to host this interactive summer reading group and I hope you’ll join me! Even if you have read the books and want to do a reread, or just join in on the discussions, please do. The more the merrier! I’m already nervous about reading Dothraki. 

Obviously, follow on Instagram if you want more information, since I’ve been a HUGE fan of posting on my stories there. 

Have a fantastic Monday! And let me know your thoughts on the ending in the comments! 

Photo by Noelle Fair Photography