Weekly Wrap Up 5-17-19

Another week, another weekly wrap up! Not going to lie, this week flew by in the best way. It was a crazy week, very busy, but productive. I finished two books and have a really exciting TBR list right now! Here’s what I was up to this week.

I’m editing this now, before posting. I posted something really vulnerable on my Instagram this morning. I’d really appreciate everyone taking the time to read it, leaving feedback if possible. And if you don’t follow along on there, join me? It means more than you’ll know. Thank you for taking the time to read my words throughout the week. 

Books Finished: ARC of The Honeymoon and ARC of American Royals. Reviews closer to their publication dates! 

Book Mail: Emily Belden sent me a copy of her first book, Hot Mess! I love love lovedddd Husband Material (out December 30) so stay tuned for that review! 

Currently Reading: The Power of Habit and The Bride Test

Next Up: Columbine by Dave Cullen 

Weekend Plans: My mama is coming into the city and we're seeing Come From Away on Sunday! I’m super excited. I haven’t seen it since it first came out on Broadway so it will be nice to revisit it with my mom, who hasn’t seen it! 

Weekend Plans 2: GAME OF THRONES SERIES FINALE. Is anyone else in complete disbelief that it coming to an end? I have a plan to help ease the pain! Check back Monday for all the details! 

What I’m Loving: Trader Joes Cauliflower Fried Rice. I’m obsessed, I’ve been having it twice a week for dinner with one of their sun-dried tomato chicken sausages cut up in it! So fast, easy, and delish!