Weekly Wrap Up: 12-6-19

Goodmorning, we are officially six months from our wedding. How did THAT happen? I’m not sweating, YOU’RE SWEATING. 

WHAT A WEEK. And I really mean it this time. After the insane travel days I had Sunday AND Monday (thanks post Thanksgiving winter storm), I was feeling overwhelmed and off on Monday. Which lead to a Tuesday feeling exhausted and tearful but once I got it out, I felt so much better. 

I’ve been in a consistent workout routine and I’m really proud of myself for it. Now I’m working on being better about monitoring food and what I’m putting into my body. It’s a good thing I chose the most delicious month of the year to get serious about it *crying laughing emoji*. 

Needless to say, I am completely knackered and I am very much looking forward to my Saturday tomorrow. It is going to consist of nothing but Christmas movies, Christmas books, and self care. Then on Sunday we have a holiday party and I need to work ahead for the weeks to come! It’s going to be busyyyyyyy! 

Here’s what I was up to this week. 

What I Read: Christmas at the Chalet, A Christmas Carol—which you can listen to on audio on YouTube for free! It was great to have on while i was getting ready every morning for a couple days. I hadn’t read it since 5th grade!

Currently Reading: A Woman is No Man 

Bought: Black Friday and Cyber Monday got me GOOD. This headband, this headband, more of these pants, my Book of the Month arrived, and soooo many gifts for family! If you want to try Book of the Month, sign up using my link and you’ll get a free book in your first box!

Wanting: I mean, everything but it’s Christmas so I’m going to try and be good. Here’s my Christmas wish list i posted on Tuesday!

Weekend plans: Nothing but Christmas movies and books on Saturday, plus a visit with the personal trainer at our apartment’s gym. Nick finally comes home and we have a holiday party!