Blogmas: Review Round Up

I AM HOME!!!!! I am so happy to home in Connecticut for the holidays. There is nothing like the feeling of being home for the holidays, huh? After not being able to go home for Thanksgiving, I am just so so soooo happy to be home. My parents, my own bed, ah! Just the best! Plus my hometown does Christmas RIGHT (or Wright, however you want to look at it). 

I’ve read a number of festive books this month so I wanted to round them up for you, especially since you still have time to pick them up to read on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day if you have the time. Sometimes the Kindle app is just too convenient! 

Faking Under the Mistletoe: 5 stars, hands down. I LOVED this book. Loved it! 

The Bromance Bookclub: Not technically festive, but it takes place between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I’m counting it! I LOVED this book. it was such a delightful read and feminist, so it’s one of my favorites!

What Happens in Paradise: The sequel to Winter in Paradise! I liked this one better than the first book and you know I love Elin Hilderbrand, but I always miss Nantucket when she takes us away! 

The Witches Are Coming: So good, highly recommend the audio of this one! It’s essay format, so I think it can get repetitive and tedious. The audio is amazing! 

Christmas at the Chalet: Eh. Lovely setting, story was just okay. I was mostly just bored. 

A Christmas Carol: I listened to this on YouTube! So many classic books are narrated on YouTube for free and I think I am going to take advantage of them in the new year! 

A Woman is No Man: INCREDIBLE. Read it. I loved this book so much. 

25 Days til Christmas: SKIP IT. 

Which do you prefer, small round ups like this or individual longer reviews? Let me know!