Blogmas: Happy Winter Solstice!

The Winter Solstice is such a special day. It may be the shortest day of the year, but it is the beginning of a new season and one that holds so much joy for me. In this season of Winter, we will enter our wedding year and it makes me so giddy to think about! We’ve put so much work into our wedding weekend and every time I realize how close it’s getting, my stomach drops a little bit. I want it to be perfect, but I know perfect isn’t attainable. So I’ll settle for perfect for us. 

If you remember from Winter Street Week, which helped kick off the Christmas season for us, the final book in the series is called Winter Solstice. The Solstice is a beginning and an end. But it also a piece of hope, as the days can only get brighter from this day forward. 

The end of the year always inspires me to reflect on what I accomplished, what I want to accomplish, and how to continue bettering myself as I move into a new season of life. I’ve gotten into a steady workout routine in the last two months of the year and I LOVE it. It’s the biggest thing I plan on bringing into the new year with me. This is the first time in my life I have approached my physical health in a positive and healthy mental state, so my goal is to continue in that direction!

What are you hoping to focus on in the new year?