Weekly Wrap Up: 12-13-19

I had such a good week! It was definitely long but I have been so productive and feel confident I will get to fully enjoy my Christmas vacation. My goal is to have everything done for the blog so I can really take the week off and unplug. I’ll still be checking in on Instagram and

What I Read: A Woman is No Man, 25 Days Til Christmas, Faking Under the Mistletoe

One was AMAZING, one was annoying and a waste of time, and the other was perfectly adorable and holiday fun. Guess which was which.

Truthfully, everyone needs to read A Woman is No Man. Faking Under the Mistletoe is the holiday romance we all need. And don’t let the adorable cover art of 25 Days Til Christmas fool you. Skip it.

Currently Reading: Tweet Cute by Emma Lord—Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and Wednesday Books for the advance copy! Tweet Cute hits shelves January 21, 2020

Up Next: Meg & Jo by Virginia Kantra and I AM SO EXCITED I COULD BURST!

What I Bought: So.Many.Christmas.Presents. I CAN’T TALK ABOUT IT. Plus wrapping paper, cards, stamps, tights (for the holiday parties) and more presents. But I did cave and buy myself this sweater because I deserved it. Right? Ugh, I’m the worst.

Weekend Plans: My acting class’s holiday party, my mom’s Nutcracker, wrapping presents (I make it big thing), and more Christmas shopping with Nick!

I loveee this time of year and have so much to look forward to next week! I’m so excited!