A New Chapter: What's Next for Read & Wright
2025 certainly got off to a bang didn’t it? If you are in the LA area, I hope you are safe and cared for. I have been sharing some resources on Instagram stories that I’ve found. Every time I turn on the news, I am more and more horrified and heartbroken. If you are not impacted, please consider financial help or physical donations to get people back on their feet. The destruction is just awful and I am so sorry if you have lost anyone or anything of importance to you.
As it always does when something terrible is taking place, which seems to be the norm since 2020, it feels trivial to sit at my comfortable text and type silly words on my laptop. I sat down to write this post today because I have been thinking a lot about what I put out into the world, the content I create and consume, and how I really push toward the goals I have always had for this space.
My word for 2025 is boundless and my theme for the year is simplify my life. I have written blog posts five days a week since I started my website. In 2024, it was the first year the blog took a backseat. It had to, with everything going on in my life and feeling like long form content like this just wasn’t what people wanted anymore. But now with the looming TikTok ban in the United States, I am reminded of one very important thing: this is MY space, that I own. I am the only person who contributes to it and the only one who can make it go away.
And honestly, I love this little space. It’s small but mighty. And mostly, it’s lasting. I can go back and see what I read during a particular month of any year since I started documenting. There are so many book lists and reading guides and recipes that have made their way onto this site. So I want to make it a priority again, but in a way that works for me.
3 Blog Posts a Week instead of 5—Reviews, book lists, recipes, thoughts, basically what I’ve been doing, just less.
No More Weekly Wrap Up—I am going to be moving the content from the Weekly Wrap Up over to my Substack. Truthfully, I came to dread writing these. It made me feel like I needed to have things to write about and items I bought and things I added to my wishlist. I might do a monthly version instead of a weekly version, but subscribe to my newsletter if you liked those posts!
Reviews Will Continue to Live here—My in depth reviews and curated book lists will continue to live in this space!
It all felt like a huge change when I sat down to write this, but looking at it…not much is changing. I’m just simplifying. It makes me excited to put more energy into each and every post plus I think it will help my newsletter grow to be more valuable. Less, it turns out, really is more.
I always love to hear from you and what you like to read and what you need out of this space. It’s a reading and life scrapbook for me but I hope it does add some happiness and purpose to your life too. Here’s to the next chapter.