My Summer Bucket List

My goal in life is to never lose the magic feeling of Summer. I have always loved it. When I was younger, it was a special time cause I spent it outside from sun up to sun down. It’s a season that always feels like a reset after a long Winter and busy Spring. Especially after the last couple months I’ve had, I am ready for days at the beach and pool, early mornings and late nights, finishing a book in a day, melting ice cream and barbecues, and soaking up every ounce of sunshine while slathered in coconut scented sunscreen.

During the dark days of Winter (otherwise known as February and March around here), I read an early copy of Annabel Monaghan’s new book, Summer Romance. In it, the main character’s mother always asks her on the first day of Summer:

“What do you want this Summer?”

I think it’s an important thing to think about. Not just in Summer, but life moves so quickly these days. We lose hours to our phones (at least I think I do) and it’s such a short season. I want to be fully present this Summer and enjoy some much needed magic.

  1. Go on a Writing Retreat

    This has been on my bucket list for years and this Summer, it’s finally going to happen. I absolutely can’t wait. It will also be my first true solo trip, which I’m excited about.

  2. Enjoy 2 Vacations

    We go to Lake Placid every Summer and a vacation with my family! I don’t want to work those weeks at all but I don’t think I want to fully unplug. I love documenting vacations to look back on later in the year when I need a dose of Summer.

  3. Play Tennis

    My best friend and I love to play tennis. We have some new courts to try out this year and I can’t wait. My favorite time to play is early evening following by ice cream or drinks!

  4. Go on a Picnic

    I love picnics so much but they’ve become scarce for us since we moved out of Manhattan. I want to bring back picnics! Beach picnics, park picnics, any picnic. Sign me up!

  5. Get Back to Running

    I haven’t been allowed to exercise beyond walking since November. Now that I’m 8 weeks post op, I’ve been cleared for all normal activity and I can’t wait to return to my running routine.

  6. Plan a Winter Vacation

    Last year, my Winter vacation needed to be cancelled because I wasn’t allowed to travel due to my health. It was probably the snowiest week we’d had when I was supposed to be soaking up the sun. So, next year? I am enjoying my Winter break!

  7. Declutter the Entire House

    This has been a goal all year, practically. I am so tired of STUFF. I just want less stuff. It feels good to purge things one drawer, closet, cabinet, room at a time.

  8. Play Golf

    I picked up golf in 2021 and I have enjoyed it so much. I love that it’s something Nick and I do together and I was to enjoy it more this Summer! I also love going to the driving range in the evenings as a date night.

  9. Go on a Hike

    We have some incredible hikes close to home but there are also other areas of WNY and Upstate that I want to explore via trail. The goal is to be outside!

  10. Go to the Farmer’s Market Weekly

    I love the farmer’s market. Something I miss about Manhattan is stopping by the Union Square one every weekend but we joined a CSA near us and I am so excited about it. Groceries have gotten so expensive so i’m happy to support a local farm and get veggies that are fresh!

  11. Go Kayaking

    We have a lake on our property and a lot of people go fishing in it but I want to enjoy kayaking! I love being on the water so much and didn’t do it nearly enough last season.

  12. Stay off My Phone in the Morning

    This is always a goal of mine but it’s something I really want to focus on, especially in the weeks before camp starts. I just want to be in a good headspace to start my day and my phone can really cause a lot of stress.

  13. Read for Pleasure

    I always aim to read for pleasure, but I feel like this year more than any other I’ve gotten distracted and read slower because I’ll start scrolling. I also just want to read all the atmospheric beach reads and fun summery titles. I have some backlist books I can’t wait to read.

  14. Journal

    2024 is the year I let my journaling habit fall to the wayside. I just couldn’t be alone with my thoughts for too long because things were so hard. I want to get back into the habit of journaling. Steph Boher has been a big inspiration for me to get back to journaling regularly.

  15. Romanticize the Little Things

    The content I consume is breezy and simple. That is the vibe I want to enjoy this Summer. I want to wear easy, comfortable dresses and read and write and cook and laugh. I want to go to bonfires and weekend trips and spend time with my friends. I want to have patio dinners and ice cold drinks and long weekends in bed. I want to fall in love with life this Summer.

    “What do you want this Summer?”

    I want this Summer to feel long. I want this Summer to be full of joy, rest, relaxation, reading, and writing. I want this Summer to be when things stop feeling temporary after the last four years. Life has been so strange and hard and different since the pandemic. I want a Summer full of all the things that make life feel magical.