Review: Right on Cue by Fallon Ballard

Thank you Penguin Group Putnam for my copy! All thoughts are my own.

I read Fallon Ballard’s debut, Lease on Love, and it quickly became one of my all time favorites. It made her an autobuy author for me and my goodness does it feel good to read a new book by her! I didn’t love Just My Type last year so I was nervous…but this book was perfection!

It’s a celebrity romance about two actors who think the other hate each other and have to work together on a new Rom Com. It was a delightful read and reminded me why I love to read books. It totally took over my brain and I couldn’t wait to keep reading.


“Emmy Harper is no stranger to Hollywood, having penned some of the most popular movies of the past few years. But her latest project has hit a standstill—unable to find the perfect leading lady, Emmy’s been recruited to take on the role herself, dusting off acting skills she hasn’t used in over a decade.

Things take a turn for the worse when a she's left with the one costar she can’t trust: Grayson West. A blockbuster action hero known for his megawatt smile and impossible abs, Grayson is anyone’s dream of a romantic lead. Too bad Emmy still blames him for her disastrous first movie and the early end to her acting career.

The friction between the two risks tanking the movie, and no one knows if it’s lingering awkwardness from their youth or unresolved sexual tension. But if they want to save the production—and their own careers—they need to get their acts together quickly, both on and off camera.” —NetGalley

What I Liked:

  1. The Premise—Celebrity romance is one of my favorite tropes but it was also a great time to read it after seeing the film Anyone But You recently! Rom Com supremacy.

  2. The Setting—A cozy cute inn in a small town AND a film set. Quite possibly my two favorite things!

  3. The Characters and Their Chemistry—I loved Emmy and Grayson. I loved how they resolved things and weren’t afraid of their feelings. Plus I liked that they weren’t keeping their feelings a secret from the rest of the set!

What Didn’t Work:

  1. 3rd Act Pacing—It all came to a bit of a grinding halt in the 3rd act for me. I didn’t love the reasoning for the 3rd act break up either but at least it didn’t last too long.

Character Authenticity: 4/5 Spice Rating: 2/5 Overall Rating: 4/5

Content Warnings:

loss of a parent, grief