Weekly Wrap Up 9/8/23

Anyone else vibing with the “back to school” energy the first week of September brings? I am so grateful for our vacation because it came at the best time. After seven long weeks of theatre camp, I was so ready for a break. Nick also had a crazy Summer at work and we loved the balance of relaxing and doing some activities. We came home so refreshed and craving routine, which is so welcome after such a busy season.

I am in such a good reading groove right now too! I am LOVING the books I’m reading and it’s making me even more excited to pick up my next reads. I’m sad our pool closed for the season (during a week where we reached 100+ F temps!) but I am enjoying patio reading and waiting for a chill to settle in the air.

I hope you had a great week too! What are you reading? What are you most looking forward to about Fall?

What I Read:

The Christmas Orphans Club // Reign // You, Again // Do I Know You? // Tom Lake // The Plus One

Weekend Reading Plans:

Friends Don’t Fall in Love // Warrior Girl Unearthed // Thieves Gambit // Fair Rosaline

Listening & Watching:

Weekend Plans:

We are going to continue our Fall cleaning declutter! I always feel the urge to clean more in the Fall than I do in the Spring. So I’ll reading, writing (lots and lots of writing) while watching football and getting ready for the week! Have a great weekend and don’t forget to subscribe to The Bookmark!