My Favorite Cozy Comfort Books
I have always been a big rereader. Since I was a kid, if something really stuck with me, I knew I’d want to revisit it eventually. Nowadays, it’s harder to reread books because my piles of unread books are always staring at me, but I still love to revisit a few every now and then. Usually, when I’m feeling out of sorts or I’m going through a big change, I’ll reach for one of my comfort books.
I also love to reread them via audio! One of my biggest tips for getting into audiobooks is to reread a book you loved in print with your ears. You know the story, so you focus in on it in a new way and eventually, you pick up the habit. Audiobooks have changed my reading life!
Anyway, these are just a few books I like to revisit or lean on during tough times. The list varies and changes but for whatever reason, these books left an imprint on my heart.