Weekly Wrap Up 9/15/23

I am loving September. I thrive in a routine and it has been SO NICE to get back into a routine. Have I said that enough since we got home from vacation? I went back to my work out classes this week and I’ve gotten back into using my walking pad. I’m not back to running quite yet, but that is up next!

We had a chill in the air this week which as sad as it makes me to realize that the days are getting shorter and soon the last bits of Summer will truly be gone, my mental health is thriving with the productivity I’ve had and my routine. Take a drink every time I type routine.

Weekend Reading Plans:

Practice Makes Perfect // Thieves Gambit // Cleat Cute

Listening & Watching:

Weekend Plans:

We’re going to try to golf this weekend but we’re also going to continue our declutter! It felt so good last weekend and I can’t wait to continue with it. I also have big plans to take out my Fall decor finally and make a big pot of chili. I still will never ever want to rush through Summer, but Fall is a magical season.

Have a great weekend!