July Bucket List Check In

I’m a little nervous to reflect on my bucket list for July because it was a really busy work month. I didn’t read a whole lot because I was so tired in the evenings, but even if we don’t have a “perfect” month, it’s still important to reflect. That way, we can figure out what we need to prioritize moving forward!

  1. Golf on the Weekends

We did this once! July weekends ended up being packed but I love this sport because we can continue it into early Fall.

2. Go to the Farmer’s Market

I didn’t make it to the farmer’s market and I’m so sad about it.

  1. 3. Un-haul Unread Books

    Another thing I didn’t get to but I am determined to make it happen in August!

    4. Write Daily

    I am really sad to say this didn’t happen. One thing I struggle with is finding the energy to write after long days because it requires so much brain power. August is going to be busy, but I still am promising myself I will find time.

    5. Try a New (or Return to an) Activity

    I did get back into needlepoint which felt great!

    6. Go for a Morning Walk Alone

    Another fail but something I plan on getting back into this month!

    7. Read 5 Books Off My Physical TBR

    I did achieve this!

    8. No Buy July

    I did pretty well with this, except I did order quite a bit of Door Dash in July.

    9. Keep Journaling

    Thankfully stuck to this habit!

    10. Read A Book in a Day

    Sadly didn’t get to do this but hopefully in August it will happen. And ideally, on vacation!