Weekly Wrap Up 6/9/23

Oh my goodness, what a first full week of June. First off, I hope everyone dealing with the wildfires in Canada is staying as safe as possible. We’ve been dealing with some of the smoke and terrible air quality south of the border, so I cannot imagine how terrible it is there. I know west coasters are used to this, but here on the east coast we are definitely not prepared for this kind of event! It makes me so sad and scared that this is the reality due to climate change and that the government continues to refuse to do anything about it.

On a lighter note, I read some fantastic books this week! Like, unputdownable reads that were physical books! I feel like I’ve been reading on my kindle exclusively for most of the year so this has been fun. And I can’t believe it, but my friend and I were able to snag tickets to the Eras Tour for a totally reasonable price and in a great spot! I was pretty bummed we missed out on them in the Fall so I can’t believe it worked out.

See what I read, what I’m loving and don’t forget: this weekend is the #ReadIntoSummer2023 readathon! All details are in this post but feel free to be as liberal as you need with the reading prompts. Make them work for you and your TBR!

Listening & Watching:

Weekend Plans:

Besides the Readathon, it’s going to be a writing weekend and we’re going golfing! Then Nick is leaving for a golf trip, so my friend is coming over to watch the Tony’s and make friendship bracelets for the Eras Tour next weekend. I’m SO excited! I’ve been watching to make bookish bracelets for a while now and this is my excuse.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and stays safe with the wildfires and smoke ❤️