What's On My Watch List

I’ve written about our sunday night movie routine quite a bit as it’s become one of my favorite things to look forward to each week. Nick and I have rather erratic schedules and don’t get to spend a ton of time together, but 80% of the time, we are both home on Sunday nights. We make it a special thing! We cook dinner (usually a Hello Fresh meal) and get fun snacks. We choose the movie by Wednesday so that we don’t waste time scrolling! And we try to keep it special by actually choosing a movie, though we have thought about making exceptions for some mini series.

There are only two rules for Sunday movie night: no phones and it has to be a new or new to us movie. We’re big fans of rewatching movies and shows but this way, we get to experience it together and talk about it after.

Here’s what’s on our watch list so far but I’d love any of your recommendations! We like comedies and rom coms. We’re not into scary unless it’s funny scary!