Reader Wanderlust: Alaska

I used to do a series called Pages As Planes but I feel like I ran out of places to feature. I’ve been trying to think of a new series to replace it with when it hit me: Read Wanderlust. I am still someone who loves to scroll through Pinterest and make mood boards. I love to plan trips and dream of vacations. The best kind of book is one that truly takes you to the setting. In this new series, I’ll feature books that were so good, they made me want to visit where they’re set, some pictures, and some different itineraries of what to do there!

It would only be fitting to start off this series with my ultimate bookish wishlist destination: Alaska.

Before I read any books set in Alaska, I was immediately charmed by Carly’s trip recap years ago. While scrolling through Pinterest, I found a few others!

The Only Alaska Itinerary You’ll Ever Need

How to Spend One Week in Alaska

Prettiest Towns You Must See in Alaska

The Books I Love Set in Alaska

The Simple Wild // The Unsinkable Greta James // The Great Alone

I’ve always been attracted to the mountains. I could stare at photos of the vastness of Alaska for hours and still not be able to absorb that the photos don’t do it justice. I can’t wait to make it there one day.