Weekly Wrap Up 1/27/23

I typically feel like January is the longest month of the year. Everyone is coming off the holidays, there’s all this pressure to start the new year off on the right foot, and the weather is cold and grey. At least where we are, it’s been cold cold cold this week. (When I say things three times I always think of Julie Andrews in the Eloise movies.)

While this week was long and busy, I also am proud of myself for listening to my mood reading side! I’m definitely in a hockey romance era, which is fun since we’ve been keeping up with the Sabres this season. The Bills loss this weekend hit HARD and It sucks the season ended the way it did but being a Bills fan means we always have the optimism of “maybe next year.” After all the city and people went through this year, it would have definitely brightened some spirits.

So, onto hockey romances and all the cozy Winter vibes. I’m really into wintery romances, especially ones that take place at ski lodges. They just hit different!

What I Read:

Resting Scrooge Face // Bright Winter Lights // Consider Me

Currently Reading:

Off Sides // Play With Me // Well Played // Mixed Signals // Just My Type

Purchases of the Week:

Beasley’s Bag // Makeup Case // Personalized Bag

Listening & Watching:

Weekend Plans:

I’m working all weekend cause I’ll be in rehearsal. I’m hoping to get some cleaning and organizing done around the apartment as well. It’s been tough to stay on top of things lately but I’m determined to find the time! I hope you have a great weekend.