5 Tips for Creating and Staying in a Routine

I have said it time and time again: I am someone who thrives on routine. I am a better version of myself when I make time for the things that make me happy and set me up for a good day. I hate being one of those people that allows a single thing to derail my day, but it definitely can.

My morning routine is precious. And as we move into this new cozy season, I want to keep it alive and well. Especially when we see less of the sun, which is my least favorite thing about Winter! I don’t mind it through New Years since the twinkle lights make everything better. But once the dark mornings of February move in, if i’m in a solid routine, I still get myself out of bed.

  1. Identify the Top 5—What are the five things (or 2 or 3) that you want to be a part of your routine? Mine are: movement, journaling, reading, refreshing, digital detox

Movement: Either 30 minutes on the bike, the elliptical, or taking Beasley on a long walk

Journaling: I recently learned about Scribble Journaling and it has changed the game for me. I don’t overthink it and just go. Seems strange but I highly recommend.

Reading: As always, gotta #ReadAndRise. When I’m busy at the theater, sometimes this is the only reading I get in daily so it’s a MUST for me.

Refreshing: I couldn’t think of a good word for this, but I always refresh our space in the morning. Wipe down the counters, load/unload the dishwasher, make the bed, get myself ready. It sets me up for a good day and then I don’t have to do it at the end of the day!

Digital Detox: This is new, but I’m trying VERY hard to stay off social media until 1pm. I am so habitual that sometimes I will find myself scrolling and scrolling and lose valuable time. Scrolling hasn’t been leaving me feeling the best lately so I’m trying to not grab my phone first thing in the morning.

  1. 2. Ease into it—Start by adding one or two elements to your routine each week until it’s fulfilled.

    3. If you miss a day, get right back into it the following day—Sometimes my 5:45 am alarm is just not it, especially when I’m in a show. If I miss one morning of my preferred early wake ups, I try my best not to let it become a habit.

    4. Let it work for you, not the Internet—Choose things that YOU need, not what a self help book or aesthetic influencer tells you.

    5. Adjust as Needed and Reflect—Is this really working? Is it fulfilling you and making your day better? Does something need to be added or eliminated?

What’s your routine like? what do you prioritize?