Voting Prep for Midterm Elections

It may be August, but the Midterm Elections are right around the corner! Now is the perfect time to get yourself ready and make a voting plan so we can show up to the ballot box in November and make a difference.

These are all small things to do in order to exercise our civic duty. I know things can feel helpless right now but getting ready to vote and having a clear plan makes me feel like I have a little bit more control.

  1. Check your voter registration

    Check your voter registration HERE so you know that you are eligible and ready to vote.

  2. See Who is Running in Your State

    It’s obviously very important to know who is running if your state to make sure they are campaigning on the promises that we need right now: supporting reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights, smart pandemic responses, and climate change. Check by state HERE.

  3. Make a Plan to Vote

    Nick and I like to vote in person on Election Day. Some states have mail in voting and early voting, so just be sure to look ahead at your calendar and decide what is right for you. Also check with your employer to see if they allow paid time off for voting! Also, make sure friends and family have rides, childcare, etc so they can take the time to vote as well.

  4. Donate to Campaigns that Support You and Those You Love

    If you have the means, donate to the campaigns that need your support. And if you live in a blue state and want to help out at risk areas in red states, I highly recommend donating a few dollars to those campaigns. We can’t get comfortable or complacent. I like Rock the Vote to see how to get involved.

I’d love to know any other tips, resources, or ideas you have!